Tuesday, 13 November 2012

The P700 a kid for a day at Enchanted Kingdom challenge!

If we hadn't gotten lost, 3456787 times. We would have won the challenge. Boo. But I still consider us as winners! (= Congrats girls! You've won my kuripot like Diana challenge! (=

Breakdown of expenses (minus the unnecessary expenses from our misadventures):
P150 Gas
P380 tickets
P100 Tender Juicy Hot dog, and drinks
P50 Jollibee meal
P20 toll fee
(Prices are quoted per person)

That's roughly a hundred pesos more than the original ticket price!!!! Don't I deserve a pat in the back? hahahahahha :)))

It was a Saturday, and since Sta. Rosa is easily accessible for people from NCR, and Calabarzon Enchantd Kingdom made us a bunch of sardines in a can, corned beef even. The long que was the ultimate test of patience!!! While some were plain rude, or annoying, a Camille Co wanna be served as a whimsical amusement while we waited in line for 2 dragging hours! Long lines, and interesting personalities make an interesting combination, don't you think? :)

My fear of heights, faced but not conquered obviously. hahahahaha 

Days like these, I'm glad I never miss. We've been at the lowest peaks of our lives, only to soar higher, happier that we have ever been. We are all witnesses to how we maneuvered from a walking train wreck, to a survivor.   We've grown out the worst, and on our way to womanhood. We came out better, stronger, and more mature after all the shenanigans in our dorky-sometimes-feeling-cool life. Emerging as a new person, finally. :)

You likey my new bf eh? :)

It was the first time for Kiki, and Hanna to try the Space Shuttle. They exclaimed "awesome!!!" and demanded that we do it again. Geez, I was just glad it's over--and 2 hours till closing time. hahaha

I'm such a scaredy cat, even the Ferris wheel scared the sh*t out of me. hahahahahah To think I'm the one who dragged them in this search for adrenaline rush. hahahah 

I must confess two things before you scroll down further. One, I was the one who invited them to go to EK, and two, my eyes were shut closed 95% of the time in the space shuttle. Regrets, yes? Maybe. NOOOOO.

What's unfortunate though is paying extra for new attractions in EK. Which of course, we are not willing to shell out. Quota nako sa adrenaline rush, from Space Shuttle alone. hahahah!!!! :))) 

We got lost bajillion of times before we reached Enchanted Kingdom, being the ill-tempered bull that I am, I was really annoyed with how we got stuck in heavy traffic just because the toll lady didn't know what is left, and which is right. Looking back, it was worth the nuisance.  The adrenaline rush, our mean girls moment, pero dork naman HAHA!, laughing a bit too hard we've developed 6 pack abs overnight, and getting lost just because we got carried away from an epic (MIS)adventure.

Save loads, and purchase your ticket HERE! She's legit! Save up to 40% :)

4 girls, from all walks of life, wandering the same direction. The road towards happiness. 

Photo credits to: Karen Adviova, and Cher Mitra.
See, the perks of having photographer friends, awesome awesome pictures! :)

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